Entrepreneur, Mentor, Author

Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 RESULTS
The Art of Mentoring by Dr Ravishankar Gundlapalli, MentorCloud
mentoring Visionary

Mentoring is two-way learning

Meeting with Dr. Ravi, a Great Global Mentor with a Mission!! Human-led learning makes everyone a mentor. It’s my privilege to be in touch with him. He visited my office. California-based Dr. Ravi is building an AI-powered peer-to-peer learning and mentoring platform. He has been featured for his vision and his work on mentoring in …

Mr. Rata Tata
Success Visionary

If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk with others – Mr. Ratan Tata

Mr. Ratan Tata was a very rare personality with a combination of “Visionary”, “Patriotic”, and “Philanthropists”. He built large unique businesses from scratch and acquired international enterprises to scale. He invested “empathetically” into over 30 founders and helped them build sustainable and profitable “trusted” businesses. Every founder had a dream to get investments from him …