Entrepreneurship is a language of Innovation – according to Harvard Business Review.
There was a survey in which respondents talk about innovative ideas in the absence of quantitative market or company data. With only their informal observations and INTUITIONS. Scientists believe that entrepreneurship is the informal language of the way people THINK about New Ideas without any proof.
In an annual convocation, I mentioned about 3Ps (passion and persistence, and people) which I have observed in my entrepreneurship journey.

1st “P” is PASSION, that is a “deep-rooted plant” that can survive, even in a desert (from my 1st book) It means, passion creates its resources just like a plant’s in a desert and its roots go deeper to find water. Do what you love to do with the passion of finding your resources to be successful.
PERSISTENCE is “never die” spirit, you keep improving, excelling, and innovating without losing any enthusiasm. I spent many years on my last startup MeriCAR which was the first of its kind in India and an early market that helped India to look at new unorganised markets and a new category in the automotive aftermarket.
PEOPLE are so important that you keep FINDING and MEETING the “right” people in your network. Life is really a zig-zag, it’s not a straight line always. You fail, you rise, you fail again, you rise again. I have seen people failing at the peak of their career. I have also seen people coming back to me when I am doing better. This loop has been keeping going and it’s a SMALL WORLD. As per my 1st book (I want to fly, where are my wings) real success has an equation
= The Right People + The Right Time.
Your entire successlies into having trusted people around you. Building a trust is a human process of believing and respecting each other’s journey.
Keep following 3P-mantra – Passion, Persistence and People